
Tag: venue

The Ripple Effects of Patent Venue

A recent article described the outsized roles that two modest cities in Texas play in U.S. patent litigation, but there's more to the story of America’s odd patent venue rules. The article alludes t...

“Clear Abuse of Discretion” Leads to New Venue Precedent

In late October, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a decision by the District Court for the Western District of Texas that blocked TikTok Inc.’s request to move a copyright infringement su...

Federal Circuit to Judge Albright: You Get An F

In yet another mandamus order directed to the Western District of Texas, the Federal Circuit has once again explained to Judge Albright that his analysis of transfer motions is incorrect and ordered h...

Federal Circuit: Server Is Not A Regular And Established Place Of Business

Today, the Federal Circuit granted a writ of mandamus, ordering the Eastern District of Texas to dismiss or transfer a case for lack of venue.  This order is the latest in a series of Federal Circuit...

No More Bites At The Apple In The Eastern District

Last week, it was widely reported that Apple plans to close its retail stores in the Eastern District of Texas in order to avoid facing patent lawsuits in the district.  Given that a single paten...

All My Excess (Venue) Leaving Texas

Yesterday afternoon, the Federal Circuit overturned the Eastern District of Texas’s test for venue.  Even after TC Heartland, patent trolls were trying to keep defendants in the Eastern District of...

TC Heartland’s Effects: A Bang Or A Whimper?

Since tomorrow we’re celebrating Independence Day here in D.C., I thought I’d go back and revisit the Independence From Eastern Texas case, TC Heartland, to see how big of an effect it has really ...

The Special Nature Of Venue In Patent Law

TC Heartland continues to impact the world of patent litigation.  I haven’t run the numbers yet on what’s happened since the decision came down, but just having read through the list of cases fil...

Uniloc-ing Defendants Into The Eastern District of Texas

Yesterday, Uniloc sued Google in the Eastern District of Texas.  Uniloc is a Luxembourg based company, not a Texas company.[1. They incorporated in Luxembourg for tax reasons.  There are a number of...

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