
Tag: patent eligibility

Congress Wants to Revive Patents but May Strangle Innovation and Damage Health Care Access Instead

This post, written by Wayne Brough, initially appeared in the R Street’s Real Solutions Blog. Patent eligibility, or the fundamental question of what is patentable, is currently under congression...

Patent Eligibility Limits are Vital to Innovation, Prosperity, and Public Health

A few weeks ago, several public interest organizations including the Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Gene...

No More Bites At The Apple In The Eastern District

Last week, it was widely reported that Apple plans to close its retail stores in the Eastern District of Texas in order to avoid facing patent lawsuits in the district.  Given that a single paten...

The Alice Drizzle—Barely Even Noticeable

At the end of the year, I took a look at whether Alice really had a significant impact on patents as a whole.  The answer was that Alice simply doesn’t affect that many patent applications.  But s...

The PTO’s § 101 Summary Report

One of the most important developments over the past few years is the Supreme Court’s decision in Alice v. CLS Bank - a decision that articulated a distinction between patent-eligible inventions, an...

Software Patents Will Survive: How Section 101 Law Is Settling Down

(This article first appeared at IPWatchdog.) Software patents have been controversial for decades. The discussion generally centers around whether software is patent-eligible subject matter. Since th...

CLS Bank v. Alice: Don’t Lose Your Head

The patent world was waiting with bated breath for the Federal Circuit’s decision in CLS Bank International v. Alice Corp. At last, we thought, we would have a ruling on when software is patentable ...

Schumer Proposes Expansion of Covered Business Method Program

Today Senator Schumer announced a proposal to expand the "covered business method" program instituted at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office by the 2011 America Invents Act (AIA).  That initiative, ...

“The Black Box is Never Described”: CLS Tries to Teach the Federal Circuit the Difference Between Methods Claims and Systems Claims, and about Abstract Ideas

For those who are interested, a reader has shared a transcript of the oral arguments in CLS Bank v. Alice en banc at the Federal Circuit.  As we have written, a lot is at stake in this case as it tak...

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