
Congress and Patents

The U.S. Intellectual Property System and the Impact of Litigation Financed by Third-Party Investors and Foreign Entities

On Wednesday, June 12th, Paul Taylor, a Visiting Fellow at the National Security Institute at George Mason University – and previous Patent Progress contributor – testified in front of the House J...

Congress Wants to Revive Patents but May Strangle Innovation and Damage Health Care Access Instead

This post, written by Wayne Brough, initially appeared in the R Street’s Real Solutions Blog. Patent eligibility, or the fundamental question of what is patentable, is currently under congression...

CCIA Senior Counsel Joshua Landau Testifies To Congress

In case you missed it, I testified to the House Judiciary Committee's IP Subcommittee last week about whether the output of AIs should receive patent and/or copyright protection. The hearing is avail...

Patent Eligibility Limits are Vital to Innovation, Prosperity, and Public Health

A few weeks ago, several public interest organizations including the Public Interest Patent Law Institute (PIPLI), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), Gene...

The PREVAIL Act: A Step Backward for Patent Policy

How often does someone offer you an option that is not only cheaper and faster, but also better?  Not very often, I would guess.   Yet that is what is provided to patent litigants via patent val...

Study Confirms That PREVAIL Act, Patent Office ANPRM Proposals Will Hurt the Economy

A study from the Perryman Group – an economic and financial analysis firm based in Waco, Texas – confirmed that proposals contained in both the United States Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO...

Correcting the Record on the PREVAIL Act

Earlier this month, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property held a hearing to discuss Reforming the Patent Trial and Appeal Board – The PREVAIL Act and Proposals to Promote U.S. I...

Follow the Founders and Insist on Review of Unjust Monopolies Created by Invalid Patents

This post draws from and summarizes a forthcoming law review article from the author. The full article is available on SSRN. A patent is a monopoly, for a certain time, on the sale of something fo...

Public Interest Provisions in the Advancing America’s Interests Act

This post initially appeared in the R Street Institute’s ITC Policy Project Series. The recently reintroduced Advancing America’s Interests Act (AAIA) revises the 19 U.S. Code § 1337 – Unfai...

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