PublishedDecember 22, 2016

Smartphone Patent Wars, a Poem

‘Twas the week before Christmas,
And all through the news,
The smartphone patent wars
Were giving us the blues.

Just when we thought
Apple-Samsung was done,
Nokia decided
To rejoin the fun.

Nokia sued Apple,
For their deal had expired,
New patents, new charges,
New lawyers were hired.

Apple, in turn,
Would now claim antitrust
Violations. It seems that
The peace was a bust.

Nokia, said Apple,
Was hiring trolls.
To exploit their patents,
They’d licensed their souls.

In Marshall of Texas,
Nokia filed a new case,
Ironically claiming,
“We’re not trolls. You’re off base.”

“You used our inventions,
You must pay us for that.”
But Santa was listening,
And he took off his hat.

He wiped his broad brow,
As his eyes formed a tear,
“It’s Christmas,” he said.
“Can’t they wait ‘til next year?”

“This month is reserved
For good will towards men.
Besides, we’re exhausted.
I mean, smartphones again?”

Yup, that’s right. The smartphone patent wars have reignited. Happy Holidays!


Matt Levy

Previously, Matt was patent counsel at the Computer & Communications Industry Association

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