PublishedFebruary 28, 2013

Patents in the News 2/28

FTC-Google public comments round-up #2: Tech companies have their say
The Essential Patent Blog
February 28, 2013
Yesterday we covered several public comments submitted to the FTC by various professional organizations and trade/industry associations surround the FTC-Google consent decree.  Today, we’re here to tackle the submissions from several large companies that chose to comment on the FTC order.  These companies include Apple, Ericsson, Microsoft, Qualcomm, and Research in Motion.

Troll hunter: meet the Oregon lawmaker who may fix the patent mess
Rep. Peter DeFazio took on the issue after a local software company got held up.
Ars Technica (US)
February 28, 2013
Joe Mullin
This morning, Representatives Peter DeFazio (D-OR) and Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) introduced the SHIELD Act, which would create a “loser pays” system for some types of patent litigants. The bill is meant to stymie companies that do nothing more than file patent lawsuits.

Peeved politicians want “loser pays” rule for patent trolls
SHIELD Act would target patent shell companies, exempt inventors, universities.
Ars Technica (US)
February 27, 2013
Joe Mullin
Last year, the first bill that could take a bite out of the business model of so-called “patent trolls” was introduced. Not much happened with it, but today a reworked bill has been introduced by the same sponsors: Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) and Peter DeFazio (D-OR). The bill is called the SHIELD Act of 2013, which stands for “Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes.”


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Josh Lamel

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